
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
The Spirit of '76
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
The year 1976 is explored in this star-spangled episode. Join the “Boys and Ghouls” duo as they look at the fashions of “Carrie” and examine what the energy crisis did for the “King Kong” remake.
Hitch a ride, as they look at the first batch of “Jaws” rip-offs to hit the theater. Then, they have sympathy for the devil as they take on ’76 satanic cinema with “The Omen” and “To the Devil a Daughter”.
Then, they keep on truckin’ with mid-70’s children’s programing, Vincent Price product promoting, and the dazzling but stupefying 1976 time capsule that is the “Paul Lynde Halloween Special”.
Can you dig it?
I knew that you could.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Werewolf? There Wolf.
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
"The Wolf Man" (1941) and "An American Werewolf in London" (1981) are the subjects of this moon-eyed episode of Boys and Ghouls.

Monday Jun 13, 2016
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Monday Jun 13, 2016
I Know What You Did Last Summer, the 1997 horror movie with a hook, is the subject of this scorching episode of “Boys and Ghouls”. Join Kat and Marshall as they look at the original 1973 book that started it all as well as its 2010 update (it has more cell phones).
Listen close as we dive into the story of four friends who try to keep a secret about the horrible thing they did last summer, and what happens when it comes back to haunt them. Then, gasp at the tale of how hotshot screenwriter Kevin Williamson, fresh off of Scream, took the story and increased its bodycount while relocating the tale to his home state of North Carolina, added the unforgiving fishing waters of the Atlantic, and made it, possibly, the MOST North Carolina of all horror movies.
So… head to the beach, time to sit back and unwind, be sure to wear sunscreen, and listen in as the duo discusses the bloody, revenge-fueled movie that Kat watches every 4th of July.

Friday May 13, 2016
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is explored in this podcast by pod people Marshall and Kat. Join them as they explore the classic tale from it’s start as a magazine science fiction story, to a novel and a 1956 movie.
Set in the McCarthy era suburbs (or, disco era in the book) the invasion takes people over and enters them into a conformity that takes a long while to notice in an era of conformity.
Then, listen closely as the Boys and Ghouls duo look at its every-other-decade remakes and see what taking over the world looks like when civilization has progressed since the last the time it was taken over.
It’ll grow on you!

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
It's Clowns
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Clowns in horror movies can make you scream... with laughter. But also with terror. So join the Boys and Ghouls duo as they take a long look at a few of these most frightening jokesters.

Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Ed Wood’s 1959 sci-fi thriller “Plan 9 From Outer Space” is the focus of this grave episode.
Listen in as we follow the life of Edward D. Wood Jr as it was presented in the Tim Burton biopic, “Ed Wood”; through the films Ed made with Bela Lugosi while he was alive, and the one produced posthumously.
Hang in there as Kat and Marshall discuss just what’s so great about the worst movie. They take a look at what’s right with this odd film, made by odd people under odd circumstances, as well as what’s wrong with it. Also, Marshall allowed this episode to go over an hour, so he could include a showbiz anecdote.
Pull the string!

Saturday Feb 13, 2016
It's An Addams
Saturday Feb 13, 2016
Saturday Feb 13, 2016
The Addams Family is paid a visit in this episode of “Boys and Ghouls”. We start with the poisoned pen of artist Charles Addams and follow his creation of a macabre family from being a New Yorker comic, to a prime time show that presented the sit-com family in a new darkness, to a pair of excellent 90’s movies.
Join the “Boys and Ghouls” duo as they get to know every member of this mysterious and spooky family; from the enthusiastic patriarch, to his long-cool-woman-in-a-black-dress wife, to their precocious kids, their “electrifying” uncle, their towering butler, and their very own Thing.
Also, Kat fills Marshall in on her self-guided L.A. mini-murder tour, and Marshall shares his trip to the museum of medical oddities.

Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Alien, Aliens
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Terrifying “Alien” (1979) and its action-packed sequel “Aliens” (1986) are the subject of this stellar episode of Boys and Ghouls. Join our intrepid duo as they explore what it took to make these first two awesome installments of the “Alien” franchise.
Listen in as we discuss the unlikely roots of both projects, spoilers through “Spaceballs”, and the odd genius of “Alien” artist H.R. Geiger. Follow Kat as she tries to put herself in the shoes of a mind-blown 1979 moviegoer. Then take a trip with Marshall as he recounts the first time he saw “Aliens” and his first visit to a drive-in theater.
In space no one can hear you podcast.

Sunday Dec 13, 2015
A Very Boys And Ghouls Christmas
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Christmastime horrors is the subject of this joyous installment of Boys and Ghouls. Following up the 2012 "Slay Bells Ring" episode, this time the duo unwraps the cinematic gifts that are, "Silent Night, Deadly Night 2", "Black Christmas", and the sci-fi campy, kiddie classic, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians".
Then, keep the home fires burning as we look for some spooky classic TV that delivers a holiday episode with real Christmas cheer. And, enjoy a personal Christmas message about personal Christmas messages from a horror icon.
Yule love it!
in this episode, Marshall claims that in the 1959 Russian Christmas cartoon, "The Christmas Visit" a boy takes a ride on Sputnik. In actuality, he rides in Santa's magical plane. But he does encounter a friendly and smiling Sputnik along the way.

Friday Nov 13, 2015
The Bride of Boys and Ghouls
Friday Nov 13, 2015
Friday Nov 13, 2015
The Boys and Ghouls duo formerly request the honor of your presence at their 44th episode, all about weddings.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Halloween Haunts
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Halloween haunts, from front-yard displays to fun parks, with their fake body parts and jump-out scares, is the focus of this grave episode of Boys and Ghouls.

Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Creepy Carrie
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
“Carrie” by Stephen King and the movies it inspired is the topic of this bloody-good episode of “Boys and Ghouls”.
Lend us your ears as we compare the book to the movie, and the book to the other movie, and the other movie to the first movie. Listen in wonder as the “Boys and Ghouls” duo takes the story of the adolescent misfit back to its inspirations and through its adaptations as they illustrate just how crappy high school could be (just in case anyone forgot).
Before diving into Carrie’s telekinetic freak-out and prom night massacre, Marshall recalls some of his own (less bloody) prom memories and Kat shares her recent adventures of being a week-long internet sensation.

Friday Aug 14, 2015
Horror Hosts
Friday Aug 14, 2015
Friday Aug 14, 2015
Horror hosts would present the late-night monster movies, giving the viewer a bloody buddy to watch the movie with, make the scary movies fun and the bad movies better. In this episode of Boys and Ghouls, we present the hosts that presented the horror.
Join Kat and Marshall as they take a lingering look at Vampira and Elvira. Then stay tuned as they do their darndest to include as many of the legion of history’s horror hosts as they can, paying particular attention to each their home-states (Pennsylvania and North Carolina) as well as legends of the medium, like Bob Wilkins.
So, stay up late and adjust your antenna as the Boys and Ghouls duo bring you the hosts with the most.

Monday Jul 13, 2015
Freaks and The Funhouse
Monday Jul 13, 2015
Monday Jul 13, 2015
Carnivals and circuses are great places to set a horror movie. Join the Boys and Ghouls duo as they explore just what it is about these fun and colorful experiences that also provides dread and menace enough for generations of horror films.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Welcome To Fright Night
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Fright Night, the 1985 original, is the topic of this fang-filled, fun episode of Boys and Ghouls. Join Kat and Marshall as they spoil-all-the-way, gleefully recapping the entirety of this vampire romp.

Monday Jun 01, 2015
Ghoul-O-Rama (Classic Episode)
Monday Jun 01, 2015
Monday Jun 01, 2015
The third ever Boys and Ghouls episode has risen from the grave, returned with the purpose of entertaining and informing you all about the gags and gimmicks of horror movie ballyhoo.
Listen in as the Boys and Ghouls duo pay homage to the king of horror film promotion, William Castle. They detail how he brought the movie-going public, skeletons flying over the audience, life insurance in case they died of fright, and devices in the seats to zap their butts.
Stay tuned as ballyhoo is further explored in the territory of hypo movies and promotional vomit bags! Then, Marshall and Kat perform their interpretation of what it would have been like to actually call Freddy Krugger’s 1-900 number.
BE FOREWARNED: As novice podcasters, when recording this episode, the microphone was placed too close to the laptop that was recording it. As a result, the sound of the laptop’s fan plays hell with this classic episode’s audio quality. Still, the content of the episode is fun and funny and full of great facts.
Nurses will be standing by in the lobby to assist the faint of heart.

Wednesday May 13, 2015
Horror Comedies
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Comedy meets horror as Marshall and Kat incite a real laugh riot. Listen along as they examine those movies that use monsters and mayhem to make you scream… with laughter. And shriek… also with laughter.
Join the duo as they discuss the classic Young Frankenstein and why it still holds up. Then, they examine a few that don’t quite hold up, a couple of famous filmmakers’ first films, as well as the fabulously crafty Death Becomes Her and the outrageously bawdy Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.
So, give the episode a listen. It’s newer than Sean of the Dead and shorter than Saturday the 14th!

Friday May 01, 2015
Ladies of the Night (Classic Episode)
Friday May 01, 2015
Friday May 01, 2015
Vampire strippers and vampire hookers was the sub-sub-genre of horror films which Kat and Marshall chose to be the topic of their second ever episode of Boys and Ghouls.
Listen in as the duo navigates through three movies that well represent the topic; Vamp (1986), From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), and Bordello of Blood (1996). All three are populated with beautiful and deadly women of the night, all of who follow their queen (be it Grace Jones, Selma Hayek, or Angie Everhart). No man can resist them as they lure victims through their tawdry dens of ill repute.
Also, Kat gives a recipe for blood and Marshall relates his good time had on a carnival spook ride.

Monday Apr 13, 2015
We Saw Saw
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Monday Apr 13, 2015
The “Saw” franchise is well covered in this torturous episode of Boys and Ghouls. Marshall and Kat watched the original from 2004 and its six one-every-year sequels. It’s left them with a new appreciation for the highest grossing horror movie franchise; and left them scratching their heads, trying to unravel seven movies worth of crisscrossing flashbacks. Join this intrepid duo as they get together to report which of Jigsaw’s devious traps made them squirm the most and which twist endings made them reach to put in the next DVD the fastest.
Also, listen in as they detail their recent experience with the latest technology in at-home scares.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Freddy's Revenge (Classic Episode)
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge was the first episode Boys and Ghouls produced. Three years after its initial debut (April 2012), its now back and available for your listening enjoyment.
So look back with us as we looked back to 1985 and the sophomore effort of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Just finding our podcasting feet, we go through every beat of this odd, deliciously-80’s movie and throw in our two cents at its many hard-to-believe moments as Freddy goes about taking over the body of a teenage boy.
I hope you have as much fun listening to it as we had making it!

Friday Mar 13, 2015
Mad Marchness
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Insanity in horror films is the topic of this mad, mad, mad, mad episode of Boys and Ghouls. Listen in as Kat and Marshall take a look at a selection of movies where the main character’s biggest problem is the touch-and-go status of their own sanity.
The Boys and Ghouls duo take a look at what Anthony Perkins got up to in the 1983 sequel to “Psycho”, “Psycho II”, as well as his wonderfully titled made for TV movie, “How Awful About Alan”.
We look at the movie that started the term gaslight, “Gaslight” (1944) and then go into the mouth of madness with “In the Mouth of Madness” (1994). And we see just what insanity awaits in 1920’s “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari".
Also, Kat relates the story of hearing a scary noise in her apartment.

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Urban Legendary (Classic Episode)
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Urban Legends are the focus of this classic episode. The 1998 movie "Urban Legends" and the heard-it-from-a-guy-who-heard-it-from-a-guy stories that inspired it are explored by the Boys and Ghouls duo.

Friday Feb 13, 2015
Love That Lovecraft
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
H.P. Lovecraft wrote in the horror and sic-fi pulp magazines of his day. A writer's writer, mass appreciation of him came after his death as his influence found its way into an abundance of horror writing and horror movies through the years.

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Still Scary (Classic Episode)
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Does what scared us as kids still hold up? Join the duo as they explore this topic and share what frightened them as little boys and ghouls.
This classic episode was originally recorded as part of the “Something Wicked This Way Comes” installment of Boys and Ghouls. But, the coverage of this topic came out so fun and nostalgic as to release it on its own, along with Kat’s spooky gab about her time spent on the set of an indie horror movie.
So, listen in as Kat discovers that 1990’s “Arachnophobia” was actually a comedy (or thrill-omedy) and as Marshall reveals which MTV music videos gave him the willies.
As Marshall and Kat discuss what kids are afraid of and why, you can discover if this episode (Boys and Ghouls’ fifth ever) holds up. Is what passed for top-shelf horror movie podcasting in 2012 still effective and engaging today? It is as much as Ozzy Osbourne’s “Bark at the Moon” werewolf is still scary (because it totally is).

Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
The Silence of the Lambs
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Terrifying and Oscar winning, “The Silence of the Lambs” gets its own episode with the Boys and Ghouls duo. Listen in as they pretty much go through the entire movie, scene by scene, spoiling all the way.
Hear Kat take a feminist perspective on the movie with its unmatched lady-hero, and hear Marshall as he lets you know what it would have sounded like if original-choice actor Sean Connery had performed as Hannibal the Cannibal.
Also, learn just how much Kat doesn’t like the Dr. Chilton character. At all. And discover which tense scene was filmed on the site of where Marshall participated in democracy for the first time.

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Something Wicked This Way Comes (Classic Episode)
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Ray Bradbury wrote the book and then screenplay for “Something Wicked This Way Comes” about a sinister carnival that preys on the desires of a small town in yesteryear Illinois. As well as a master of horror, Bradbury was a master of nostalgia and simpler times. And, way back in the simpler times of 2012, recorded in tribute of Bradbury’s passing, the Boys and Ghouls duo dedicated an episode to the masterwork’s movie adaptation.
While Marshall had been getting spooked for years by this tale of two boys running afoul a dark carnival, Kat watched it for the first time right before recording their classic episode.
So, listen in as we take this ride through a great movie that still holds up (made by Disney all the way back in the golden days of 1983) for spooking kids and adults alike.

Saturday Dec 13, 2014
These Things
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
The Thing movies are put under a microscope in this chilling episode of Boys and Ghouls. Join Kat and Marshall as they follow the franchise from its origin as the story “Who Goes There?”, to the classic RKO movie, “The Thing From Another Planet” to John Carpenter’s bleak masterpiece “The Thing” and its ambitious prequel of the same name.
From the icy south pole, to the north pole, then to the south pole again, the Thing stories keep you asking, “What door is the Thing behind?” and then “Which person is the Thing hiding in?”
Also, Kat shares her day’s activity of paying respect to the unknown dead of Los Angeles and Marshall shares his new purchase of an (apparently autographed) T-and-A horror aerobics spoof.

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Slay Bells Ring (Classic Episode)
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
The Ghost of Christmas Past has brought you to this classic December 2012 “Boys and Ghouls” episode, all about the spooky side of the joyous Christmas season.
Join Marshall and Kat as they guide your sleigh from the eerie appearance of Jacob Marley’s ghost to the 1984 Santa slasher “Silent Night, Deadly Night” to novelty monster Christmas albums.
Then, Kat gives Marshall the highlights and the scream count of her favorite Christmas treat, the early Tales From The Crypt episode, “And All Through The House”. And Marshall gives Kat the best bits of the Twilight Zone heart-warmer, “The Night of the Meek”.
Yule love it!

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Witching Hour
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Witches in the movies, witches who ride brooms, and witches who don’t ride brooms are discussed in this spellbinding episode of Boys and Ghouls.
Listen in as Kat details the witch hunt of 1692 Salem and the more recent witch hunt of the West Memphis Three. Then, Marshall bridges the gap between the movie “I Married A Witch” and television’s “Bewitched”.
Before the hour is through, Marshall will make a shocking discovery about “Little Witches” and Kat will share her viewing experience of the witchsploitation classic, “The Virgin Witch” before declaring her eternal devotion to 1996’s “The Craft”.
Also, Kat can barely contain herself after showing Marshall “Hocus Pocus” all-the-way-through for his first time ever.

Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Vengeance is Mine (Classic Episode)
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Revenge is a dish best served at Thanksgiving (according to Kat) and so way back in historic times (2012) the Boys and Ghouls duo made their November episode all about revenge.
Listen in to this classic episode when Marshall and Kat took two very different approaches to the concept that drives so very many horror movies. While Kat brought to the table her experience watching “I Spit On Your Grave” Marshall covered “Pumpkinhead”, “The Abominable Dr. Phibes”, and the Old Chief Woodenhead portion of “Creepshow 2”.
Also, join the boy and the ghoul as they catch up on how they spent Halloween and what local home haunts were the hauntedest.

Monday Oct 13, 2014
A Brief History of Halloween
Monday Oct 13, 2014
Monday Oct 13, 2014
Halloween and its varied history is effectively explored by Kat and Marshall in this treat of an episode.
Follow along as they trace Halloween’s history from its Celtic roots, to its union with Catholic holidays, to its exportation to America where it became a night for fortune telling and mischievous pranks. Listen in as the duo explore the holiday up to its present form of costumes and candy. Also, Marshall shares his recollections of working in a Halloween store in the weeks following 9/11.

Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
It's Halloween (Classic Episode)
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
Wednesday Oct 01, 2014
“Halloween” the 1978 slasher and Halloween the enchanting holiday is the topic of this classic Boys and Ghouls episode from all the way back in October of 2012.
Join Kat and Marshall as they discuss John Carpenter’s horror masterpiece and everything that makes it Kat’s favorite movie. Marshall, who can’t leave well-enough alone, breaks down Michael Myers’ motivation in “Halloween” if it were a stand-alone film vs. his motivation if you consider the back-story reveal of its sequel, “Halloween II”.
And, listen in as they share their own memories of the spookiest most funnest night of the year, HALLOWE’EN. From the candy, to the spooky movies on television, to that one house you shouldn’t go near.
It’s a real treat.

Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Monster Mash
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Classic monsters sharing the screen, getting along or getting into fights. That’s the topic of this episode of “Boys and Ghouls”.
Join Kat and Marshall as they follow the mixing of the classic creatures from “Frankenstein Meets the Wolf-Man”, through “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” and then forward forty years to “The Monster Squad”.
Also, we take a look at the song that stands out above all other novelty Halloween songs, “The Monster Mash” and how its friendly gathering of monsters took it to the top of the charts. And Kat and Marshall say goodbye to a House of Horrors.

Monday Sep 01, 2014
Hack To School (Classic Episode)
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Horror movies set in schools was the topic of this early “Boys and Ghouls” episode. From teenage werewolves, to eerie conformity, to all the dangerous objects in a classroom.
Originally released in September of 2012, this examination of the terrors of educational institutions is the first to be exhumed from the “Boys and Ghouls” episode graveyard.
So, take a look back at the time that Marshall and Kat took a look back at those old school days. Join them as they recount the movies that use school settings to evoke horror, and as they wonder where their schools’ boiler room was… since everyone in movies seems to know.

Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
The Lost Boys
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Teen vampires turn a California beach town into the debatable murder capital of the world. Join Kat and Marshall as they explore this premise in the 1987 horror-fun flick, “The Lost Boys”.
From the young Coreys, to the jangle-when-they walk teenage toughs, to the mid-life romance of a pair of adults (though one of them is quite old) "The Lost Boys" has managed to grow up along with its fans, providing a character for everyone to relate to.
So listen in, as Kat and Marshall revel in its rock and roll soundtrack, its hair metal fashions, and its family dynamics.
And remember... they'e only noodles.

Sunday Jul 13, 2014
I Scream, You Scream
Sunday Jul 13, 2014
Sunday Jul 13, 2014
The "Scream" series is explored in this episode. From the game-changing first one, where everyone is a suspect but only killers had cell phones, to the fourth one where everyone had cell phones and is still a suspect.

Friday Jun 13, 2014
Slumber Party Tonight
Friday Jun 13, 2014
Friday Jun 13, 2014
The Slumber Party Massacre movies are examined, from the feminist claims of part one, to the single unsettlingly good scene in part three. And through part two, which Kat has a crazy crush on (seriously, you guys, it might be love).
So, spend the night with Kat and Marshall as they discuss these three driller killer flicks as well as their own sleepover memories, and the horror movies (cable or VHS) that they watched when staying up past their bed times.
We dare you.

Tuesday May 13, 2014
It's The Mummy
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Tuesday May 13, 2014

Sunday Apr 13, 2014
The Evil Dead
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
The Evil Dead films are explored in this episode. That's the original "The Evil Dead", "Evil Dead II", "Army of Darkness", and the remake, "Evil Dead" (which is like the original but, among other differences, doesn't have the word "The" in its title).

Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
The year 1984 and its contributions to spooky movies is explored in this totally awesome episode. Join Kat and Marshall as they take a look at what was giving folks goosebumps thirty years ago.

Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Thursday Feb 13, 2014

Monday Jan 13, 2014
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
Monday Jan 13, 2014
Monday Jan 13, 2014
The spectral headless horseman and the unfortunate Ichabod Crane are the subject of this episode as we explore "The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow".

Friday Dec 13, 2013
His Name Was Jason
Friday Dec 13, 2013
Friday Dec 13, 2013
The Friday the 13th franchise was too big to cover all in one episode, so we sliced it in two. And now, the long-awaited second part of our critical look at the unstoppable slasher series is finally here!
Find out if Jason is really dead in “A New Beginning” or if he’s really un-dead in “Jason Lives”. Discover which movie Kat liked least, “Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood” or “Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan”? Then, join us as Jason Voorhees goes some unexpected places with “Jason Goes to Hell” and “Jason X”.
Is listening to Kat and Marshall talk about these movies more fun then actually watching them? Well… it’s easier to do while driving and only takes an hour!

Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Family Hour
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Families in horror films are served up and dished out in this valuable episode. Listen in as Kat and Marshall anticipate the holidays by stuffing this hour with the cannibal family of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", the inbred family of X-Files' "Home", the twisted "House of 1,000 Corpses" Firefly family, and the altogether ooky Addams Family.

Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Halloween Specials
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Halloween specials take over your televisions every October with spooks and chills and, often, a lesson at the end. Kat and Marshall took a look at a few of these fun-for-the-whole-family gems so they could bring you a very special episode about very special specials.
So join us as we look deeply into It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’s place in history, Tim Curry’s really sexy singing, which two specials end with disco dancing, and what orange cat hates Mondays but loves Halloween.
So tune in, boys and ghouls, as we share both those Halloween memories that you treasure, and those Halloween memories that you can just find on Youtube.

Friday Sep 13, 2013
Friday The Thirteenth
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Friday Sep 13, 2013
The “Friday The Thirteenth” series is dissected in this timely episode. For Kat and Marshall to discuss every movie in the franchise (or, the first ten, anyway) it would take two episodes. So, that’s what they did.
So, join us for part one of our exploration of Camp Crystal Lake’s only permanent resident, Jason Voorhees. Listen in as Jason progresses from being a jump-scare at the end of part one, to being a deranged killer with a bag over his head in part two, to being a deranged killer with a hockey mask in part three, to “dying” in part four.
Also, Kat discusses how it’s not easy being green.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
The Doctor Is In
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
Doctors in horror movies are exceptionally scary, with their sharp scalpels and pointed needles. Join Kat and Marshall as they examine those fearsome physicians and dissect what makes them so chilling.
At the heart of this episode is 1992’s “Dr. Giggles”, which Kat watched over and over as a youth and Marshall is just seeing for the first time. Will the deadly doctor’s post-mortem puns and medical one-liners still hold up? Or, will the duo need a second opinion?
DIAGNOSIS: entertaining and informative.
PERSCRIPTION: repeated listening.

Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Last Man On Earth
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Solitary survivors of cataclysmic global events and how they spend their days, is the topic of this peerless episode of “Boys and Ghouls”.
Join Kat and Marshall as they cover the three movies to come from the late Richard Matheson’s masterwork, “I Am Legend” and learn what happens when the last man on Earth… isn’t alone!
Then, trade in lonesome scientists for valley girls as we take a good, long look at 1984’s “Night of the Comet”.
Also, listen in as Kat and Marshall discuss their loose plans for what to do, and what to wear, if they inherited a quiet Earth. (hint, it’s re-goddamn-diculous)

Thursday Jun 13, 2013
Summer Camp
Thursday Jun 13, 2013
Thursday Jun 13, 2013
Summer Camp horror movies in their 1980's heyday gave us such classic and fun films as "Friday the 13th", "The Burning", and "Sleepaway Camp". It also gave us "Cheerleader Camp". Join Kat and Marshall as they explore the Summer Camp Horror Movie phenomenon and share their own summer camp tales. Hear how much Kat, honestly, did not care for "Cheerleader Camp". Then, stay tuned and discover which disease made Marshall have to leave camp early. From killers in the woods, to creepy cooks, to an over-reliance on point-of-view shots, once you hear this episode you'll be wanting s'more!

Monday May 13, 2013
Let's Make A Girl
Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
Mad scientists resurrecting their fiancés or just making a gal from scratch; that’s the topic of this enlivening episode of “Boys and Ghouls”.
So, make a date with Kat and Marshall as they explore the nuts and bolts of “The Bride of Frankenstein” and decades of its knock-offs. Including, “The Bride”, “Bride of Re-Animator”, “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die”, “Weird Science” and “Frankenhooker”!
It’ll leave you in stitches!